Veteran Owned & Operated - VA Contractor LIC # 2705177958
Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake
(434) 856-6331
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Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake

Why Choose Cardinal Mechanical Services?

We will not rest unless you
are 100% satisfied!
  • 24-hour well service at no additional cost
  • Upfront pricing and no hidden costs
  • More than 25 years of experience
  • Quality equipment and craftsmanship at an affordable price
  • Veteran/family-owned

Well Pump Service &
Well Pump Repair

When meticulously maintained, well pumps can last decades. But without proper maintenance, your well tank has the potential to burst if there’s a sudden change in pressure which impacts the lifespan of your pressure tank and pump. Well pumps need to be properly maintained and regularly serviced in order to ensure that they stay in proper working condition for years. If you suspect that there’s an issue with your well pump or you are looking for a qualified team to perform necessary pump maintenance, give us a call immediately. Not sure when your home pressure tank and well pump were last serviced? Cardinal Mechanical Services can help! We offer pump testing that ensures you get accurate and detailed information on your well pump’s efficiency and performance

Well Pump Replacement & Well Pump Install

If you’ve noticed a decrease in water pressure, an unusually high water bill, or dirty water, it may be time for a new well pump. The experts at Cardinal Mechanical Services help homeowners determine whether their current well pump and water pressure tank can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced altogether. Installing a new well pump is a short process that makes a world of a difference and is a repair that we can typically complete within the day.

Well Service &
Well Repair

Is your water not working properly? While a water well is little more than a hole in the ground with water, the pumping equipment that works to get you water every day can have problems that lead to a lack of water. But we can fix that!

We approach every well repair job with years of experience diagnosing and repairing problems that stand in the way of a properly functioning water well. It’s our goal to get your water supply back up and running as quickly as we can. With that objective in mind, we use every tool at our disposal to figure out the problem and take the necessary steps to provide the well repair services that will solve it.

Well Maintenance

Cardinal Mechanical Services provides regular maintenance for your well to ensure the system is running at maximum efficiency. Routine maintenance adds to the longevity of the system’s many mechanical and electrical components. By having your well system checked by a professional, you are significantly decreasing the likelihood that your well system will experience a catastrophic failure, leaving you without water.

Unfortunately, many people wait till it is too late to have their well checked and by that time, the damage is already done. If your well system is overdue for maintenance, our well technicians can identify any problem areas or signs of wear in need of repair.


Well Inspection

When you work with Cardinal Mechanical Services, your entire well system will be inspected including the pressure tank, well head, control box, pump, filters, and above-ground components. We will record their condition to ensure that they meet the state standard and recommend maintenance if it’s necessary to reach those standards.

During the inspection process, we also test all well water used domestically for E-coli and Coliform Bacteria. We take a sample, have it analyzed, and then provide you with the necessary paperwork for reporting requirements.

Public Water Service Connection

You can also contact us if you are looking to connect to public water, have a contaminated well, or a well that’s run dry and you need to disconnect your well.


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