Veteran Owned & Operated - VA Contractor LIC # 2705177958
Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake
(434) 856-6331
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Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake

Why Choose Cardinal Mechanical Services?

We will not rest unless you
are 100% satisfied!
  • 24-hour well service at no additional cost
  • Upfront pricing and no hidden costs
  • More than 25 years of experience
  • Quality equipment and craftsmanship at an affordable price
  • Veteran/family-owned

Well Maintenance

Are you a homeowner reliant on well water?
We understand that sinking feeling you get
when there is no or slow water flow.

Cardinal Well & Pump Service is here to help! Our team of experienced well maintenance technicians is ready to provide well maintenance services.

At Cardinal Well & Pump Service, our team of experienced well technicians is ready, willing, and able to inspect your well and provide comprehensive well maintenance services. We are able to address any issues you may be experiencing with poor water flow or other issues you have noticed with your water well.
We also offer routine inspections as proper water well maintenance allows your well to reach its maximum lifespan and reduces the need for emergency well services. Cardinal Mechanical Services offers everything from routine maintenance to annual tune-ups, ensuring that your water pressure stays consistent and your well operates properly.

Quality Well Maintenance and Water Testing

At Cardinal Mechanical Services, our goal is simple: to provide you and your family with water that is clean and safe at an affordable price. In addition to offering regular maintenance, we also offer home water testing. Every home has different elements to achieve a clean water supply. As a result, we create customized recommendations based on the results of your home water quality test. Our experienced technicians will help to provide you with the best solution for your needs and budget.

Well Maintenance

Cardinal Mechanical Services provides regular maintenance for your well to ensure the system is running at maximum efficiency. Routine maintenance adds to the longevity of the system’s many mechanical and electrical components. By having your well system checked by a professional, you are significantly decreasing the likelihood that your well system will experience a catastrophic failure, leaving you without water.

Unfortunately, many people wait till it is too late to have their well checked and by that time, the damage is already done. If your well system is overdue for maintenance, our well technicians can identify any problem areas or signs of wear in need of repair.



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(10am - 05 pm)