Veteran Owned & Operated - VA Contractor LIC # 2705177958
Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake
(434) 856-6331
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Well Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain LakeWell Service | Lynchburg & Smith Mountain Lake

Why Choose Cardinal
Mechanical Services?

We will not rest unless you
are 100% satisfied!
  • 24-hour HVAC service at no additional cost
  • Upfront pricing and no hidden costs
  • More than 25 years of experience
  • Quality equipment and craftsmanship at an affordable price
  • Veteran/family-owned

Air Conditioning Maintenance
in Bedford, Virginia

Schedule Your AC Tune-Up Now!

Your air conditioning is typically in good working order so it can be easy to forget about it until it breaks down and needs repairing. Or worse…replacing. Many homeowners are unaware that having routine maintenance on their air conditioning equipment can help to avoid the high cost of repairs or replacement. At Cardinal Mechanical Services, our air conditioning specialists recommend that you get regular maintenance performed at least once a year.

Call (434) 856-6331 to schedule air conditioning maintenance service today!

Like your car, your home’s air conditioning system needs regular maintenance and servicing to keep it running at peak efficiency. A regular routine can make all the difference!

Regular service visits from our expert technicians can benefit you and your home in the following ways:

  • Extends the lifespan of your heating equipment
  • Keeps your system running when you need it most
  • Saves you money by improving your heater’s efficiency
  • Reduces chances of pricey breakdowns and repairs
These benefits ensure that you and your family stay comfortable all year long. You save money and enjoy a better heating performance that keeps you cool all summer long. Plus, you can rest assured knowing that your HVAC system is working at its peak performance. Regular maintenance also saves you money in the long run. With an increased lifespan on your air conditioning system, you get a greater investment out of your AC. And thanks to the improved efficiency guaranteed by a tune-up with one of our technicians, your AC can produce a lower cooling bill in the summer months.

Why You Need an AC Tune-Up

Before the heat of a hot Bedford, Virginia summer arrives, you want to ensure your air conditioner is in tip-top shape and ready to keep you and your family comfortable all summer long. That is why it’s so important to get your air conditioner serviced regularly as it can provide several benefits:
  • Increased indoor air quality
  • Increased AC performance
  • Improved efficiency
  • Extended lifespan of AC system
  • Better overall household comfort
No matter the season, our air conditioning maintenance and tune-up technicians ensure that your AC is functioning at 100% capacity and ready to meet your needs. Our experts will notify you of repairs before the work is done and give you the best solution for your home’s air conditioning system.

Call Us for Maintenance Today!

When you call Cardinal Mechanical Services, you can expect a fully licensed and professionally trained technician to arrive at your house and provide you with the best service possible. We will walk you through the work we do and explain in the most straightforward manner what work needs to be done so you can make the best decision for your home. We provide you with upfront pricing and you can rest assured that what we quote is what you’ll pay. For more information regarding our air conditioning maintenance service, give us a call or contact us online.


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